Our expert tutors offer both group and individual lessons, each lasting 20 minutes, with the added convenience of a rotating timetable to ensure your pupils doesn't miss the same lesson every week. We understand the importance of a well-rounded music education, and our lessons offer a range of unique benefits that foster an inspiring and collaborative learning environment. Through group lessons, your child will not only develop essential musical skills but also cultivate valuable social and teamwork abilities that will prove invaluable throughout their musical journey and beyond.
All lessons are delivered by WHM tutors who are enhanced DBS checked and have received regular safeguarding training.
We offer two options for music lessons:
20-minute individual session for £12 - providing dedicated attention to your needs
20-minute group lesson for £6 - where you can enjoy learning alongside others in a fun and collaborative environment
What instruments do we offer?
∙ Piano / Keyboard
∙ Flute
∙ Guitar
∙ Vocals
∙ Violin
∙ Saxophone
∙ Drums
∙ Ukulele
∙ Trumpet / Cornet
∙ Trombone
∙ Theory of music
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